When I go to the gym, I wear baggy basketball shorts, an old t-shirt, and worn out tennis shoes. I know I probably don’t look my best, but I know I’m going to sweat anyways, which doesn’t add to my overall attractiveness. Personally I don’t care how bad I look while working out because I’m focused on if I’m doing the lifts correctly and have the right form, not if my shirt is too big. But let’s face it, most of us have experienced that nagging voice in the back of your head, myself included, that is constantly whispering that you look gross and need to change. Just learn to ignore it, and don’t worry about how you look because I can guarantee you that a majority of the people in the gym have that same annoying voice talking to them too, but they keep pushing on.
If you are an active gym member, you can probably clearly picture that one person who is the exact opposite of myself, which is one who dresses in top notch athletic clothing, has a full face of makeup, and perfectly done hair. I feel like almost every gym in America can attain to that statement because there are all different types of people in the world, and for some it is important to them on how they look, even when at the gym. Now, if you are that type of person who cares about their appearance at the gym, I’m not saying it’s a horrible thing and that you should show up dressed like you haven’t changed your clothes in weeks; I just want to get the idea out there that you don’t have to dress yourself up to go to the gym, just go in what you are comfortable in. I think being comfortable in what you are wearing while at the gym is a big deal because not only can you focus on the task at hand which is working out, but I think that it makes you more confident because you don’t have to worry if others will judge you based on what you are wearing.
I think that the reason behind little rant here is that I don’t want people to be intimidated on going to the gym because they worry too much about what others will think of them. The gym is supposed to be a place for you to gain confidence in how you look and feel about yourself and how could you ever gain that confidence if you never take the “leap of faith” and just go for it. The clothes you wear shouldn’t stop you from reaching your end goal of becoming a better you mentally and physically.